
As We Are Art Workshops

As We Are is pleased to be hosting a free series of five 8-week art workshops throughout Perth from July – October 2016 for people who have an intellectual disability.

Each of the workshop series’ will focus on a different art technique and medium/s, and will be facilitated by a professional Western Australian artist:


1. Photography with Garry Wilcox, Fremantle: Tuesdays 9.30 – 11.30am, 26 July to 13 September

2. Painting with David Giles, Fremantle: Mondays 9.30 – 11.30am, 1 August to 19 September

3. Scaling Up with Catherine Peattie, Kwinana: Fridays 1.30 – 3.30pm, 5 August to 23 September

4. Mixed Media Drawing with Charlotte O’Shea, East Victoria Park: Mondays 1.30 – 3.30pm, 7 September to 26 October

5. Sculpture Using Recycled Materials with Charlotte O’Shea, East Victoria Park: Wednesdays 1.00 – 3.00pm, 5 September to 24 October


Each workshop series’ is limited to 6 participants (aged 18+), each attending with a support person, and includes art materials.


For further information about the workshops,  please click here to download the flyer and registration form.  Be sure to get your registration form in fast to avoid missing a place!


This project has been funded by the Western Australian Government through the Department of Culture and the Arts; CAN Catalyst Community Arts Fund; and
Nulsen Disability Services.

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