As We Are Forum “Funding the Art Practice of Artists Who Have an Intellectual Disability” 30 July 2014
As We Are in partnership with Nulsen Disability Services and Mosaic Community Care is hosting the 5th annual Disability and the Arts Forum, “FUNDING THE ART PRACTICE OF ARTISTS WHO HAVE AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY ” on Wednesday 30th July 2014.
Are you, or do you know of, an artist with an intellectual disability who would like to develop their artistic practice? Do you work for a community group or organisation that would like to run an art project that delivers both creative and community development outcomes? Not sure where to go and how to apply for funds? Then As We Are’s Funding Forum is just for you!
Come and learn about a range of current funding opportunities for both individual artists as well as art groups/ projects (not just for the visual arts but for other creative forms too):
• Current & Future Funding Scenario – Nulsen Disability Services, Gordon Trewern,
• Nexus Arts Grant – DADAA, Catherine Peattie,
• Arts Development Funding Programs – Department of Culture and the Arts, and
• Other Funding Options, including CAN WA’s Catalyst Community Arts Fund – As We Are, Susie Waller.
Representatives from Lotterywest will also be available to discuss your group’s/organisation’s creative project ideas and funding options one-on-one.
Time: 9.45am registration, 10am–12.30pm
Date: Wednesday 30 July 2014
Where: Nulsen Disability Services, 28 Burton Street Cannington
Cost: $10 Artist who has an intellectual disability; $25 Individual or Community Member; $50 Organisational Staff Member (tea & coffee, and lunch included)
RSVP: Please forward your completed registration form to Susie Waller, As We Are Coordinator, by 5pm, Friday 25th July via email or post to PO Box 1135 Fremantle WA 6959
To download a forum flyer and registration form please click here.