2014 Winners Announced!
Winners of the Act-Belong-Commit 2014 As We Are Art Award were recently announced at the exhibition opening. For those that missed the opening night here they are:
Rosalind Lewis Award: John Zino White Mountain
David Guhl Award for Artistic Excellence: Mathew Clark ‘Heavenly Cathedral’
Stephen Delower Memorial 3D Award: Jackie Anderson ‘One Whole Many Parts’
Aurenda Art Award: Brooke Mathew ‘Waterlilies’
Nulsen Reconciliation Action Plan Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Award: Vicki-Lee Devenish ‘Frightened Little Boy’
Betta Curtain’s People’s Choice Award: To be confirmed 14 November 2014
Our judges also awarded eleven Certificates of High Commendation to:
- Paul Caine, ‘Crawley Baths’
- Franco Fogliani, ‘Dog Rock’
- Michael Frith, ‘Dingo Dog’
- Rebecca Johnston, ‘Spotty Dog’
- Brendan Kelly, ‘The Death of Chicken Treat’
- Timothy Maley, ‘ Bobtail’
- Janine Noonan, ‘Tropical Sunrise’
- Rob Rolt, Peacock’
- Joy Tomlinson, ‘Untitled No. 1’
- Hannah Valenti, ‘ Pondering’, and
- Sandra Vantilborg, ‘Out’
Above image: Mathew Clark, ‘Heavenly Cathedral’, acrylic on canvas, 2014
(Photo: Allan Waller)