
As We Are Focus Groups

In addition to our current Survey, As We Are would like to invite our artists and community to be part of an interactive Focus Group.  The purpose of the Focus Group meetings is for all of the As We Are community — artists, family, friends, art mentors and support workers, as well as all our broader partners, sponsors, funders and donors — to be able to have a direct say about the future for WA artists who have an intellectual disability.  

There are three repeat Focus Group sessions available:

For artists and their support network:
1.     9.30 – 11.30am Tuesday 18th February 2020, or
2.     1.30 – 3.30pm Thursday 20th February 2020.

For members of the broader As We Are community:
3.     9.30 – 11.30am Wednesday 19th February 2020.

The venue for all Focus Group meetings is the Nulsen Training Room, 28 Burton Street, Cannington. Refreshments will be made available. To RSVP, or if you have any questions about the Focus Groups, please contact Helen on 0411 722 613 or

Image: Lisa Joyce, ‘Twinkling Twilight Time’, 2019, acrylic, 50 x 25 cm